The Roman Catholic Parish of

Woodbridge with Framlingham

Parish Newsletter

Schedule of Services,  including Mass Intentions.

            Wood  =  Service in Saint Thomas's Church, Woodbridge.

            Fram  =  Service in Saint Clare's Church, Framlingham.


SEPTEMBER     Mass intention for:-  
Mon 9th 9.30 a.m. Wood Agnes Humphrey, + K. Holmes.
Tue 10th 9.30 a.m. Wood For Victor R. Villa J. Taylor.
Wed 11th - - No Mass today. -
Thu 12th 12.00 p.m. Fram No intention given.  
Fri 13th 9.30 a.m. Wood Lidvall family intention (2 of 6). F. Lidvall.
Sat 14th 8.30 a.m. Wood For the knights and dames of the Constantinian Order of St. George. E.J.E.

Saturday 14th September, 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Suffolk Historic Churches Trust,  Ride & Stride event.

Sat 14th 6.00 p.m. Wood The people of the Parish. -
SUN 15th 9.00 a.m. Fram Dorothy Tynan, + G. Tynan.
SUN 15th 11.00 a.m. Wood Private intention (2nd of 2). S. Gibbons.
Mon 16th 9.30 a.m. Wood Sheila Mann, + K. Holmes.
Tue 17th 9.30 a.m. Wood C. E. & A. Baker, ++ Foundation.
Wed 18th - - No Mass today. -
Thu 19th 12.00 p.m. Fram No intention given.  
Fri 20th 9.30 a.m. Wood Lidvall family intention (3 of 6). F. Lidvall.
Sat 21st 6.00 p.m. Wood The people of the Parish. =
SUN 22nd 9.00 a.m. Fram Peter Hinchey, + J. Hinchey.
Sun 22nd 11.00 a.m. Wood Laurence Taylor, + J. Taylor.
Mon 23rd 11.00 a.m. Wood Requiem Mass : Vivienne Galvin. + -
Tue 24th 9.30 a.m. Wood Father Ivan Rudkin, P.P.   [2009] Anniversary.
Wed 25th - - No Mass today. -
Thu 26th 12.00 p.m. Fram No intention given. -
Fri 27th  9.30 a.m. Wood Jill Cook, + E. Clark
Sat 28th 6.00 p.m. Wood Peter Nichols, + R. Nichols.
SUN 29th 9.00 a.m. Fram Danny O'Keeffe, + P. Sears.
SUN 29th 11.00 a.m. Wood The people of the Parish. -
Mon 30th 9.30 a.m. Wood Aideen Tuddenham, + Foundation.




OCTOBER     Mass intention for:-  
Tue 1st 9.30 a.m. Wood Philip Byrne, + Foundation.
Wed 2nd - - No Mass today. -
Thu 3rd 12.00 p.m. Fram No intention given. -
Fri 4th 9.30 a.m. Wood Lidvall family intention (4 of 6). F. Lidvall.
Sat 5th 6.00 p.m. Wood No intention given. -
SUN 6th 9.00 a.m. Fram William Franklin, + L. Franklin.
SUN 6th 11.00 a.m. Wood The people of the Parish. -
Mon 7th 10.30 a.m. Wood Requiem Mass : William Cooper. + -
Tue 8th 9.30 a.m. Wood A. & R. Nurse, ++ Foundation
Wed 9th - - No Mass today. -
Thu 10th 12.00 p.m.  Fram No intention given. -
Fri 11th 9.30 a.m. Wood Lidvall family intention (5 of 6). F. Lidvall.
Sat 12th 6.00 p.m. Wood The people of the Parish. -
SUN 13th 9.00 a.m. Fram Ellen Bennett, + L. Franklin.
SUN 13th 11.00 a.m. Wood For Kath Tully. -



Please pray for the sick and those in need; for all the residents in senior-living facilities within the parish and those who care for them; for the happy repose of the souls of the Faithful Departed; for those who have died recently and for those whose anniversaries fall at this time;  for peace in the world; and for vocations to the priesthood, to the diaconate, and to the religious orders of the Church.

Our Father.  Hail Mary.  Glory be.




Saint Thomas’s Ladies’ Group coffee morning event.  Tuesday 10th September, from 10.15 a.m. at the church.  All are welcome.


Saturday 14th September.  Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.  Mass of this feast of Our Blessed Lord, at Woodbridge at 08.30 a.m.


Second collections:  14th & 15th September - Home Mission Sunday - Evangelii Gaudium.



The SUFFOLK HISTORIC CHURCHES TRUST will be holding their annual Ride and Stride event on Saturday, 14th September, from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.  It's not too late to collect a sponsorship form from the church, if you wish to take part this year.

LINK:  Suffolk Historic Churches Trust


Vivienne and David Taylor write,  Dear parishioners we are taking part in the annual Suffolk Historic Churches Trust Ride and Stride event on 14th September and would appreciate your kind sponsorship.  One-half of the money raised comes back to Saint Clare’s Church at Framlingham.  The other half goes towards the maintenance of the lovely variety of historic churches that we have in Suffolk.  You may see Vivienne and David with the yellow sponsorship form or just go to  Vivienne Taylor is fundraising for Suffolk Historic Churches Trust (  to sponsor online.   Thank you for your support.



Members of the parish conference of the SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY will talk about the work of their society after the parish Masses on Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd September.



+   Of your charity pray for the happy repose of the soul of Mrs. Vivienne Galvin late of Woodbridge who died, fortified by the rites of the Church, on 26th August, age 86.   Requiem Mass on Monday 23rd September at 11.00 a.m. followed by the rite of committal at the crematorium of the Seven Hills of Ipswich.  May she rest in peace. Amen.


OUR LADY OF WALSINGHAM.  Patron saint of the Diocese of East Anglia.  The Solemnity of Our Lady of Walsingham is on Tuesday 24th September.  Mass of Our Lady, at Woodbridge, at 09.30 a.m.


SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL.  The feast day of Saint Vincent de Paul, the patron saint of the S.V.P. Society, is on Friday 27th September.  Mass of Saint Vincent de Paul, at Woodbridge, at 09.30 a.m.


Mr. Ron Woolgar would like to invite you to the Knights of Saint Columba’s annual deanery quiz night to be held in Saint Mary’s Church Hall, Woodbridge Road, Ipswich, on Saturday 28th September, 7.15 for 7.30 p.m. start.  Saint Thomas’s Church and Saint Clare’s Church are invited to enter up to three quiz teams of four people per team from each church.  Entrance is £5 per person, includes buffet, bring your own drink and cup/glasses.  For further information, contact Mr. Woolgar on 01394 386793.


CAFOD'S HARVEST FAST DAY is on Friday 4th October.  Daniel, a young man in Democratic Republic of the Congo, is carving a better future for his family with carpentry skills he learned in a CAFOD-funded training centre. Give to CAFOD and you’ll fund training, tools, equipment and safe spaces so more people like Daniel can learn new skills and fulfil their God-given potential. On the weekend of 5th and 6th October use the envelope in church or the electronic card reader, or give today on-line at



+  Of your charity pray for the happy repose of the soul of Mr. William Cooper, late of Elmshurst Court, Woodbridge, who died on 29th August, age 98.   Requiem Mass on Monday 7th October at 10.30 a.m. followed by the rite of committal at Woodbridge public cemetery.   May he rest in peace.  Amen.


SECOND COLLECTIONS.   September to December, 2024.

  • 14th & 15th September - Home Mission Sunday - Evangelii Gaudium.
  • 5th & 6th October - Harvest Fast Day - CAFOD.
  • 19th & 20th October - World Mission Sunday - MISSIO (APF).
  • 7th & 8th December - Church flowers for Christmas.
  • 14th & 15th December - Dependent Priests' Fund - Diocese of East Anglia.


NEW  LECTIONARY. Peoples' Sunday Missals containing the texts of the Mass readings according to the new Lectionary – which we start using on Sunday 1st December - will be published by the Catholic Truth Society (Standard Edition £19.95 and Presentation Edition £29.95) and by Redemptorist Publications (£19.95).  They will be available from October.  Daily Missals will be published by the C.T.S. at a later date. People’s Sunday Missals can be ordered directly from the C.T.S. or from Redemptorist Publications through their websites (links below) or by telephone.  Both publishers are now taking pre-publication orders.


SAFEGUARDING.  Children should always be accompanied by their parent/guardian when they visit the toilets at the church.


Woodbridge & Framlingham Parish Office.  Please note that e-mails sent to the Parish Office are not checked every day, the parish no longer employs a Parish Secretary. If you need to contact Father Edmund Eggleston, the Parish Priest, by telephone please call The Presbytery, Woodbridge, on (01394) 388828.


Parish Priest's day-off:  Father Edmund takes Wednesday as his day-off each week.









The Diocesan Retreat Day for Women is on Saturday 12th October. The theme for this year’s retreat is “Called to More: Finding God in the Hidden Things of Daily Life”. 

In a world that often glorifies the visible and the extraordinary, this retreat invites participants to reflect on the truth that Christ frequently chooses to act in hiddenness. As stated in Matthew 28:18, Christ possesses “all power in heaven and on earth,” yet He “empties Himself” (Philippians 2:7) so that we might fully grasp the greatness of His love. This retreat aims to provide women with the tools and insights needed to recognise and embrace the divine presence in every detail of their lives, fostering a deeper and more intimate connection with God.

  • Date: Saturday 12th October.
  • Time: 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. (Optional parish Mass at 10.30 a.m.)
  • Location: Our Lady Immaculate & St Etheldreda Church, Newmarket, CB8 8LT.
  • Facilitated by: The Community of Our Lady of Walsingham.

Participants are encouraged to bring a packed lunch, though soup and bread will be provided. The suggested donation for the day is between £5 and £10, payable on the day via cash or card.  For mothers attending the retreat, there will be childcare facilities provided on-site by the Sisters. Plenty of parking available at the church. Due to the limited space, booking is essential for this retreat. Please complete the booking form on the diocesan website. This retreat is a unique opportunity to step away from the busyness of daily life and reflect on how God is present in every moment, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. We warmly invite all women to join us for a day of reflection, prayer, and spiritual renewal.


A MESSAGE FROM THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHAPLAIN AT IPSWICH HOSPITAL.  Hi,  my name is Rachael Tearle, and I am the lay Roman Catholic chaplain for Ipswich Hospital. If you or a family member or friend is in the hospital and would like support from the chaplaincy team, please refer by calling 01473 704100 or emailing For urgent chaplaincy needs, please call the switchboard at 01473 712233 and ask for the Chaplains' Office.  When making a referral, please provide the patient's name, ward (if known), and your contact details in case further information is needed.  Best regards, Rachael Tearle.


DIOCESE OF EAST ANGLIA.  News articles from Bishop Collins and from across the Diocese of East Anglia.  LINK: Latest News


VACANCIES in the Diocese of East Anglia.  LINK: Jobs Vacant




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